Maulleigh: Golden Gate Park
Maulleigh: Lunch at BurgerMeister, Cole Valley
Maulleigh: Dinner at Salito's in Sausolito, CA
Maulleigh: Mom coloring at Cavallo Point Spa
Maulleigh: Muir Woods
Maulleigh: Final Restroom
Maulleigh: Muir Woods
Maulleigh: Christmas 2013
Maulleigh: Christmas Eve
Maulleigh: Listening to Dad Play in Union Square
Maulleigh: Listening to Dad Play in Union Square
Maulleigh: Listening to Dad Play in Union Square
Maulleigh: Listening to Dad Play in Union Square
Maulleigh: Cookies at 85 Piedmont
Maulleigh: Dinner at 85 Piedmont
Maulleigh: Pasta and Chickpea Dish
Maulleigh: Wine Tasting in Napa Valley
Maulleigh: Wine Tasting in Napa Valley
Maulleigh: Trying out the self timer
Maulleigh: Dad at Sears Fine Food
Maulleigh: Dad plays trumpet for the Salvation Army, 2007
Maulleigh: Dad plays trumpet for the Salvation Army, 2007
Maulleigh: The Fireplace
Maulleigh: Mom and Dad
Maulleigh: Playin' with the self timer before dawn
Maulleigh: Christmas packages
Maulleigh: Happy Dad
Maulleigh: Mom models her new Christmas Sweater
Maulleigh: A cute picture of mom and dad
Maulleigh: Dress with Smocking