Alberto Guillen1: Swan Flight
Alex J Donohue: Swans, Daventry Country Park
Paul McGoveran: Great Horned Owl 6062
jaytee27: Cloudless Sulphur (m) - Phoebis sennae
jaytee27: Assassin bug ???
jaytee27: White-rumped Shama (m) - Copsychus Malabaricus
jaytee27: Reed Beetle ? (Appears to have powerful hind legs)
jaytee27: Common Brown Nymph - Euriphene ampedusa
jaytee27: Thread wasted or Paper Wasp - is the nearest i can find.
Jasper's Human: Just a wee bite
Jasper's Human: Big Juicy Spider for Breakfast
Jasper's Human: Lifer #271 Is In the Books!
Jasper's Human: The Defender of Pond 2
Jasper's Human: Mr. Woody
Jasper's Human: Watson Lake
lisana1: Smiles ...
stanlupo (Thanks for 6,000,000 views): Ruby-crowned Kinglet 10_8_24
Earl Reinink: Great horned Owl
bugman11: "Ceramica pisi" - erwtenuil
Ted Humphreys Nature: Great White Egret flies over Martin Mere water course
jchau1731, thanks for 13 million views: "I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers." —L.M. Montgomery
cnmark: Munich - The Diamond