mattwmo: Camera Roll-9
mattwmo: Camera Roll-8
mattwmo: Camera Roll-12
mattwmo: Camera Roll-13
mattwmo: Camera Roll-3
mattwmo: it would be fitting if Bill Gates had an awesome gate
mattwmo: western seattle sky
mattwmo: Zeus lives here
mattwmo: Camera Roll-25
mattwmo: vaulted tree ceiling
mattwmo: the end of the night
mattwmo: through the chain link fence
mattwmo: nighttime commerce
mattwmo: blurry boat on a rushing river
mattwmo: freeway bus stop
mattwmo: Silent streets
mattwmo: headlights blurred like the eyes of their drivers
mattwmo: straight up a tree
mattwmo: silhouette smile
mattwmo: bluesky porch chillin
mattwmo: pixelated moon
mattwmo: Camera Roll-128
mattwmo: Camera Roll-130
mattwmo: Camera Roll-132
mattwmo: Camera Roll-133
mattwmo: Camera Roll-136
mattwmo: Camera Roll-137
mattwmo: Camera Roll-138
mattwmo: Blurry Under the Stars
mattwmo: Under the Stars 2