KS Girl: My girl missed me, and I missed her. It was great to be in San Diego, but it is nice to be home. #dog #beagle
yuliatrunina: Cream ring dessert
yuliatrunina: Donut in a plate
yuliatrunina: French blue cheese
yuliatrunina: Beef liver
yuliatrunina: Oxtail
yuliatrunina: Bread sticks
yuliatrunina: Glazed sand cakes
yuliatrunina: Chinese puer tea
yuliatrunina: Moscow monorail road
yuliatrunina: Moscow monorail road
yuliatrunina: Ivan the Great Bell Tower in Moscow Kremlin
yuliatrunina: St.Basil's Cathedral, Moscow
yuliatrunina: Red Square, Moscow
yuliatrunina: The Cathedral of Our Lady of Smolensk
yuliatrunina: Russian borsch soup
yuliatrunina: Space Museum, VVC Moscow
yuliatrunina: Chanterelle mushroom soup
yuliatrunina: Baked pumpkin
yuliatrunina: Baked pumpkin
yuliatrunina: Dog tree berry jam
yuliatrunina: Sliced melon
yuliatrunina: The Cathedral of Our Lady of Smolensk. Moscow
Anastasia Volkova: summertime
Anastasia Volkova: bright light series
KS Girl: #chocolatechip #m&m #pecan #oatmeal #cookies made by the best #husband