matt semel: Ross II
matt semel: Dad and me before the trip
matt semel: Excited about this car
matt semel: Guzman Family
matt semel: Marla and parents
matt semel: Ross II
matt semel: Marla and Shakespeare
matt semel: Favorite
matt semel: Cornell
matt semel: The original Gimme! Coffee
matt semel: Time capsule in downtown
matt semel: Buffalo City Hall
matt semel: American Falls
matt semel: A cute dog
matt semel: Unexcited
matt semel: Electrical demonstration
matt semel: Niagara Gorge
matt semel: Falls from below
matt semel: Inferior Rain Gear
matt semel: Poncho View
matt semel: Refreshed
matt semel: Bronners Christmas Wonderland
matt semel: Xmas in July
matt semel: Huge store
matt semel: Snacktime
matt semel: One of many many ornaments
matt semel: Hooray
matt semel: Wearing shorts during Chistmastime.
matt semel: Better than the GPS
matt semel: Mackinaw Bridge at Night