Matts915: Red-Tailed Hawk
Matts915: Herring Gull
Matts915: Bay-Breasted Warbler
Matts915: Sanderling
Matts915: Semipalmated Sandpiper
Matts915: Sanderlings, with Semipalmated plover leading the way
Matts915: Herring Gull
Matts915: Bay-Breasted Warbler
Matts915: Sanderling
Matts915: Red-Tailed Hawk
Matts915: Sanderling
Matts915: Semipalmated Plover
Matts915: Northern Mockingbird
Matts915: Red-Tailed Hawk
Matts915: Red-Tailed Hawk
Matts915: Red-Tailed Hawk
Matts915: Black-Capped Chickadee
Matts915: Great Egrets
Matts915: Semipalmated Plover
Matts915: Northern Harrier
Matts915: Bay-Breasted Warbler
Matts915: Bay-Breasted Warbler
Matts915: Philadelphia Vireo
Matts915: Snowy Egret
Matts915: Great Egret
Matts915: Northern Harrier
Matts915: Northern Harrier
Matts915: Semipalmated Plover
Matts915: Semipalmated Plover
Matts915: Sanderling