Mattron: Day 145/365
Mattron: Day 144/365- looks more grey than usual
Mattron: Day 146/365 - dry daisy
Mattron: kitchen
Mattron: Day 150/365 - June 3, 2009
Mattron: forest hills
Mattron: 7:45pm, June 2, 2009
Mattron: poking holes
Mattron: Day 151/365 - keys
Mattron: Day 154/365- Sarah Valeri's live art at Midoma Gallery
Mattron: Sarah Valeri @ Midoma Gallery
Mattron: flowers on the subway
Mattron: Day 156/365- flowers on the subway
Mattron: Daisies on the Subway
Mattron: Day 158/365- the whole lot
Mattron: Cristal Aguardiente
Mattron: Day 163/365 - and still kicking it
Mattron: postcard et al.
Mattron: Day 164/365 - chicken time
Mattron: Day 165/365- Draft Barn, Gowanus, Brooklyn
Mattron: Kristin Hersh @ Bell House
Mattron: Monkeytown