mattridings: Ed Kallery
mattridings: Inside one of the most elaborate tent setups I saw
mattridings: Hammock
mattridings: One of the multiple sections that spanned the area
mattridings: Ed and 'The Wizard'
mattridings: Mark and 'Geno'
mattridings: I fell in love with The Wizard
mattridings: Another section of tents
mattridings: Tent
mattridings: A bathroom
mattridings: Trash from area being cleared for new tent section
mattridings: Trash cleared to make way for new tent area
mattridings: Living room?
mattridings: Dining room?
mattridings: The Wizard
mattridings: Mark and The Wizard
mattridings: Mark Horvath
mattridings: The Wizard
mattridings: Mark Horvath
mattridings: Ed Kallery
mattridings: 'Geno'
mattridings: Old Concrete Railroad Trestle converted
mattridings: Mark Horvath, Ed Kellery Listening to stories
mattridings: Ed Kellery
mattridings: Ford C-Max Energi
mattridings: Ford C-Max Energi and the Arch
mattridings: Ford C-Max Energi and The Arch
mattridings: Ed Kellery
mattridings: The Clouds As We Departed The Tent City
mattridings: Ed Kellery and Mark Horvath