mattlong: empty shells
mattlong: sunflower seeds
mattlong: speaker
mattlong: ceramic bowl (with graphite and sand)
mattlong: chinese lamp top
mattlong: chinese lamp top (lit)
mattlong: tea cup
mattlong: tweeter
mattlong: hookah
mattlong: bowl of stuff
mattlong: dance record
mattlong: box
mattlong: wine glass refraction
mattlong: teapot platter
mattlong: espresso holder
mattlong: chinese vase
mattlong: war chest detail
mattlong: vase with sprigs
mattlong: war chest detail 2
mattlong: turntable speaker
mattlong: tea cup lid
mattlong: door knob
mattlong: sprinkler head
mattlong: patio drain
mattlong: greek coffee grinder
mattlong: chinese tea pot
mattlong: lotion top
mattlong: iron cylinder
mattlong: wd40
mattlong: osterich egg