mattlehrer: IMG_3990
mattlehrer: Chris
mattlehrer: IMG_4002
mattlehrer: IMG_4003
mattlehrer: IMG_4006
mattlehrer: IMG_4010
mattlehrer: IMG_4011
mattlehrer: "Who is this girl?"
mattlehrer: Books
mattlehrer: Intrigued
mattlehrer: Awww
mattlehrer: Little Veselka
mattlehrer: Chelsa
mattlehrer: Yuengling
mattlehrer: Doug
mattlehrer: Shaheen, Justin and Corey
mattlehrer: Shaheen, Justin and Corey
mattlehrer: Shaheen
mattlehrer: IMG_4061
mattlehrer: Meg, Megan and Steve
mattlehrer: Dennis
mattlehrer: Doug
mattlehrer: IMG_4072
mattlehrer: IMG_4073
mattlehrer: Chelsa and Megan
mattlehrer: Mari
mattlehrer: Yawn
mattlehrer: We had the whole bar
mattlehrer: Megan and John
mattlehrer: Sarah