Zebe: Katie and Batman
Zebe: More Star Wars legos
Zebe: Penny Arcade dudes signing things
Zebe: Dumbrella booth
Zebe: Meredith and Jon
Zebe: Front and Randall @ Dumbrella
Zebe: Biggest Pikachu ever
Zebe: Giant Hello Kitty head
Zebe: Booth babes
Zebe: SG Nixon
Zebe: Matching Halo masks
Zebe: Pantone robots
Zebe: Dead Space guy
Zebe: Sailor Mercury
Zebe: Ryu and Ken @ Capcom booth
Zebe: Black Cat and Mary Jane
Zebe: Alice in Wonderland crew
Zebe: Who you gonna call?
Zebe: Elastigirl from the Incredibles
Zebe: Batgirls
Zebe: Fiona and Shrek
Zebe: J-List merch
Zebe: Harle from Chrono Cross
Zebe: Spike and Mike booth
Zebe: Psylocke (Yaya Han) and Phoenix (from X-Men)
Zebe: Ashitaka and San from Princess Mononoke
Zebe: Joker and friends
Zebe: Mega Man at Capcom booth
Zebe: Girl Genius
Zebe: Wil Wheaton @ Dumbrella 2008