Getting ready to help and learn about the very first stages of sculpting a life-size piece.
Matt makes sure there are always breaks for fun when days are long and busy. This is the time of the year when the boys helped Matt in the early stages of his life-size sculpture, Siouxper Boy.
Working with dad. Getting the horse area in shape. Matt has taught the boys about building and using tools and they're all confident workers in their assigned roles.
One of the many projects Matt and the boys worked together on during 2012. They built a hay feeder for their horses.
The kids have helped Matt and learned about building fences and structures for their horses. This was one of the many projects they worked on during 2012.
The kids have helped Matt and learned about building fences and structures for their horses. This was one of the many projects they worked together on during 2012.
The kids have helped Matt and learned about building fences and structures for their horses. This was one of the many projects they worked together on during 2012.
The kids have helped Matt and learned about building fences and structures for their horses. This was one of the many projects they worked together on during 2012.
The kids have helped Matt and learned about building fences and structures for their horses. This was one of the many projects they worked together on during 2012.
Riding horses on Christmas Day 2012. The kids and Matt built these fences and structures for their horses as one of the many projects they undertook together in 2012.
One of the many projects Matt and the boys worked together on during 2012. They built a log dog house for their dog, Pup.
Winter Break 2012. A day of hard work helping a friend with the remodeling of her new business.
Winter Break 2012. A day of hard work helping a friend with the remodeling of her new business.
Winter Break 2012. A day of hard work helping a friend with the remodeling of her new business.
Winter Break 2012. A day of hard work helping a friend with the remodeling of her new business.
Winter Break 2012. A day of hard work helping a friend with the remodeling of her new business.
Winter Break 2012. A day of hard work helping a friend with the remodeling of her new business.
Winter Break 2012. A day of hard work helping a friend with the remodeling of her new business.
Winter Break 2012. A day of hard work helping a friend with the remodeling of her new business.
Winter Break 2012. A day of hard work helping a friend with the remodeling of her new business.
Winter Break 2012. A day of hard work helping a friend with the remodeling of her new business.
Winter Break 2012. A day of hard work helping a friend with the remodeling of her new business.
Winter Break 2012. A day of hard work helping a friend with the remodeling of her new business.
Winter Break 2012. A day of hard work helping a friend with the remodeling of her new business.
Winter Break 2012. A day of hard work helping a friend with the remodeling of her new business.
Winter Break 2012. A day of hard work helping a friend with the remodeling of her new business.
Winter Break 2012. A day of hard work helping a friend with the remodeling of her new business.
Winter Break 2012. A day of hard work helping a friend with the remodeling of her new business.
Winter Break 2012. A day of hard work helping a friend with the remodeling of her new business.