matt "smooth tooth" knoth: Long Tailed Weasel
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: northern sea otter - seward
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: snaggle-toothed badger
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: long-tailed weasel
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: north american river otter
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: fist full of carp
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: american badger
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: mother sea otter feeding her pup
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: northern sea otter
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: long tailed weasel
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: beach otter profile
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: mother and baby sea otters celebrating crab day
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: long-tailed weasel
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: ♀ sea otter on moss landing state beach
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: otter with prey
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: hello little sea otter
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: Long Tailed Weasel
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: sea otter anchored in kelp
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: adult female sea otter
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: small predatory land-bound otter
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: weasel of mass destruction
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: wild semi-aquatic predatory weasel