matt "smooth tooth" knoth: the snaggletoothed fox
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: young silver fox
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: a well balanced fox
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: fox and fence
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: god's dog, part 2
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: little coyote
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: the pounce begins
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: western burrowing owl
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: fledgling great horned owl
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: western burrowing owl
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: angry great horned owlet
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: bobcat at sunset
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: the elusive bobcat
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: bobcat guarding his cache
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: a bobcat rests in the headlands
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: bobcat in mid-leap
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: anna's shoulder
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: the meadowlark