matt "smooth tooth" knoth: the snaggletoothed fox
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: frame by frame
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: let the golden age begin
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: lazy brown fox
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: round the bend
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: fox on the run
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: three of a perfect pair
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: fox and fence
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: the curious red fox
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: driving lake crescent
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: in the maple of the road
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: hall of mosses
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: red fox at play
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: the secretive winter wren
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: orange and black fox
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: golden mantle squirrel