matt "smooth tooth" knoth:
matt "smooth tooth" knoth:
here come the bastards
matt "smooth tooth" knoth:
highway won
matt "smooth tooth" knoth:
delta force
matt "smooth tooth" knoth:
highway one
matt "smooth tooth" knoth:
grizzly island road
matt "smooth tooth" knoth:
henhouse henry
matt "smooth tooth" knoth:
black turnstone
matt "smooth tooth" knoth:
black oystercatcher
matt "smooth tooth" knoth:
Mirounga angustirostris
matt "smooth tooth" knoth:
elephant seal
matt "smooth tooth" knoth:
for rick, angie & trip
matt "smooth tooth" knoth:
the united states of meadow lark
matt "smooth tooth" knoth:
male anna's hummingbird
matt "smooth tooth" knoth:
western meadow lark
matt "smooth tooth" knoth:
female anna's hummingbird
matt "smooth tooth" knoth:
wild semi-aquatic predatory weasel
matt "smooth tooth" knoth:
pacific gopher snake
matt "smooth tooth" knoth:
gopher snake
matt "smooth tooth" knoth:
yet another gopher snake
matt "smooth tooth" knoth:
american avocet
matt "smooth tooth" knoth:
numenius americanus
matt "smooth tooth" knoth:
lemon blossom
matt "smooth tooth" knoth:
escape from diablo mountain
matt "smooth tooth" knoth:
matt "smooth tooth" knoth:
pinnacles road