matt "smooth tooth" knoth: Brown Pelican Squadron
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: lesser meadowgrass
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: long tailed weasel
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: guardrail rusting
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: historic pierce ranch
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: highway abstract
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: small predatory land-bound otter
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: tule elk above tomales bay
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: clifford still life
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: greater meadowgrass
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: Fence with Black Birds
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: late november morning, california
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: peregrine falcon
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: weasel of mass destruction
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: northern harrier
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: point reyes national hawkshore™
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: red tailed hawk
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: northern harrier