matti.j.palmunen: Night speedin’
matti.j.palmunen: November sunset
matti.j.palmunen: Black on Friday
matti.j.palmunen: Escape II
matti.j.palmunen: Eye of Gaia
matti.j.palmunen: In drizzeling rain
matti.j.palmunen: Everyday road
matti.j.palmunen: A field at the end of October
matti.j.palmunen: The last ones of the autumn meadow
matti.j.palmunen: October afternoon
matti.j.palmunen: Bygone days
matti.j.palmunen: Bygone days II
matti.j.palmunen: At the edge of a felled forest
matti.j.palmunen: Evening has fallen
matti.j.palmunen: On the lake after dark
matti.j.palmunen: The signs of autumn
matti.j.palmunen: Something to do on Sunday
matti.j.palmunen: Conversation on a rock
matti.j.palmunen: September sails
matti.j.palmunen: Autumn leaves over the pond
matti.j.palmunen: September sun
matti.j.palmunen: Pigeon flight plan meeting
matti.j.palmunen: Landing gear down
matti.j.palmunen: Evening at the car wash
matti.j.palmunen: The tower of the Turku cathedral
matti.j.palmunen: Spectacles station
matti.j.palmunen: 2.20 a.m. and time to get home