mattie_shoes: Zoom zoom
mattie_shoes: Chicago by night
mattie_shoes: tree in fog
mattie_shoes: curves
mattie_shoes: Laser name
mattie_shoes: Laser face
mattie_shoes: Laserpainting
mattie_shoes: A REAL telephoto lens
mattie_shoes: Mattie Shoes and his telephoto lens
mattie_shoes: Wheee! Part 2!
mattie_shoes: Wheee!
mattie_shoes: My Christmas tree is FAST
mattie_shoes: Circles
mattie_shoes: The Christmas aliens
mattie_shoes: When elves have too much to drink...
mattie_shoes: Andromeda galaxy (M31)
mattie_shoes: The Andromeda galaxy
mattie_shoes: The center of the milky way -- labelled!
mattie_shoes: Milky way
mattie_shoes: Milky Way Redux
mattie_shoes: Fire in the sky
mattie_shoes: Orion's sword
mattie_shoes: Pleiades
mattie_shoes: The Seven Sisters
mattie_shoes: Dumbbell nebula (M27)
mattie_shoes: The doughnut in the sky
mattie_shoes: The dumbbell nebula (M27) - reprocessed
mattie_shoes: The Great Globular Cluster in Hercules (reprocessed)