Matticushand: Gone 1/365
Matticushand: Contemplating the breadstick 2/365
Matticushand: Obligatory Self Portrait 3/365
Matticushand: Fall time flow 4/365
Matticushand: Afternoon Sun 5/365
Matticushand: Dry tributary 6/365
Matticushand: Brian 7/365
Matticushand: Dan 8/365
Matticushand: Jessica 9/365
Matticushand: Brakes 10/365
Matticushand: Tunnel to Virginia 11/365
Matticushand: Security 12/365
Matticushand: Alas, a playground 13/365
Matticushand: Sax 14/365
Matticushand: Pots and Pans 15/365
Matticushand: Leaves 16/365
Matticushand: Fall Harvest 17/365
Matticushand: Frozen 18/365
Matticushand: 11 Years Later 19/365
Matticushand: Spillway 20/365
Matticushand: Keys 21/365
Matticushand: Kicks 22/365
Matticushand: A study in tones 23/365
Matticushand: Man in the street 24/365
Matticushand: First Naked Tree 25/365
Matticushand: You, are very good 26/365
Matticushand: Slide tube 27/265
Matticushand: It's there 28/365
Matticushand: Dishes 29/365
Matticushand: Snapshot 30/365