matthucke: A fish, about to have a Very Bad Day
matthucke: “There is an art, it says, or rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss." (Douglas Adams)
matthucke: Home for the night
matthucke: Kenmore City Hall
matthucke: Grounded for life
matthucke: Lounge
matthucke: Heron family
matthucke: Blue Herons
matthucke: Swamp Creek
matthucke: City Light
matthucke: Kenmore CIty Hall
matthucke: Land near the rusty thing
matthucke: Orange Onlooker
matthucke: Unsecret squirrel
matthucke: North Shore Pub
matthucke: Solitude
matthucke: Kenmore Lanes
matthucke: Fly-by