matthewzumwalt: Cesis Castle Park
matthewzumwalt: Freedom Monument in Riga
matthewzumwalt: Spooky hall in Noverte - Secret Soviet Bunker
matthewzumwalt: Start to our beautiful hike in Ligatne Nature trail
matthewzumwalt: Chris overlooking the lake in Cesis Castle Park
matthewzumwalt: Noverte - Secret Soviet Bunker
matthewzumwalt: The trail
matthewzumwalt: Chris checking out the view from Sigulda Medievil Castle
matthewzumwalt: Start of our trip with the rental car
matthewzumwalt: Cesis Castle through the gate
matthewzumwalt: Lenin in Noverte - Secret Soviet Bunker
matthewzumwalt: Freedom Monument in Riga
matthewzumwalt: Entering the nature park for our nice hike
matthewzumwalt: Recording device in Noverte - Secret Soviet Bunker
matthewzumwalt: Sigulda Medieval Castle
matthewzumwalt: Moose licking the wood
matthewzumwalt: Old Man of Time
matthewzumwalt: View down the path in Riga
matthewzumwalt: View from the top of Sigulda Medievil Castle
matthewzumwalt: Chris pulling GQ on the top of a viewing platform
matthewzumwalt: Showing off that he is not drunk
matthewzumwalt: Sigulda Medievil Castle
matthewzumwalt: Trying to get into our hostel
matthewzumwalt: Thomas the Boar
matthewzumwalt: Looking up at Cesis Castle