matthewzumwalt: Sunset on Ipanema
matthewzumwalt: Drago waving with his friend just hanging out behind him
matthewzumwalt: Shadows walking on Ipanema
matthewzumwalt: Drago enjoying the view of Ipanema at sunset
matthewzumwalt: Kicking the ball around on the beach
matthewzumwalt: Ipanema at sunset
matthewzumwalt: First day together in Rio - enjoying the beach at sunset
matthewzumwalt: Enjoying the fog at Christ the Redeemer
matthewzumwalt: The one second we could see it thru the fog
matthewzumwalt: Took some effort but you can almost see the statue
matthewzumwalt: Group shot with beautiful Rio de Janeiro behind us
matthewzumwalt: View of the bay and the beach
matthewzumwalt: The sun trying to break through
matthewzumwalt: Ninja kick above Rio de Janeiro
matthewzumwalt: Monkey hangning on the lines
matthewzumwalt: Sticker in memory of those lost in trolly accident
matthewzumwalt: Graffiti on the walls
matthewzumwalt: View down the famous steps - Escadaria Selarón
matthewzumwalt: The group hanging out on Escadaria Selarón. Notice the bay area tiles (even an Oakland A's one)
matthewzumwalt: Drago's enemy
matthewzumwalt: Johnny sitting on top of the Escadaria Selarón.
matthewzumwalt: Sunset from Sugarloaf mountain
matthewzumwalt: The boys enjoying the view. Almost a great picture…that "star" got in the way
matthewzumwalt: Enjoying sugarloaf mountain - about to start the preparty
matthewzumwalt: Rio de Janeiro starting to light up
matthewzumwalt: City lights at sunset
matthewzumwalt: Christ the Redeemer bright over Rio de Janeiro at night
matthewzumwalt: The colorful favela
matthewzumwalt: Football in the favela
matthewzumwalt: Walking through the favela