matthewvenn: polargraph frame details
matthewvenn: polargraph frame details
matthewvenn: polargraph frame details
matthewvenn: polargraph frame details
matthewvenn: polargraph frame details
matthewvenn: polargraph frame details
matthewvenn: polargraph frame details
matthewvenn: polargraph frame details
matthewvenn: polargraph frame details
matthewvenn: motor and homing switch
matthewvenn: back of case
matthewvenn: front of case
matthewvenn: finished case v2!
matthewvenn: case v2 electronics
matthewvenn: stepper mounting
matthewvenn: case build
matthewvenn: nylon eyelet
matthewvenn: makerfaire polarbot
matthewvenn: makerfaire polarbot
matthewvenn: polargraph drawing #mfuk tweets