Matthew Simoneau: Looking from our bedroom out over our deck, Cockles Up at Jake's.
Matthew Simoneau: All the rooms are different at Jake's, where we spent the first four nights of our vacation. Ours was the top floor of a bungalow named Cockles, so our room was "Cockles Up".
Matthew Simoneau: This was the view from our bed. Note the mosquito netting, needed because the room is open to the ocean breezes.
Matthew Simoneau: This is from the deck, looking back into the room. The cushions are in disarray to help them dry after it had rained.
Matthew Simoneau: We spent a lot of time like this on our deck, reading and relaxing.
Matthew Simoneau: Peeking over the edge of the balcony shows how close to the ocean it is. The sound of the waves was downright loud.
Matthew Simoneau: Looking across the salt water pool you see Dougie's bar, generally staffed by Dougie making rum punch and other drinks.
Matthew Simoneau: Looking across the salt water pool you see Dougie's bar, generally staffed by Dougie making rum punch and other drinks.
Matthew Simoneau: The restaurant at Jake's is quite good. We ate there for most of our meals.
Matthew Simoneau: Molly enjoys her morning tea at Jake's.
Matthew Simoneau: We hired a boat to take us out to Pelican Bar, a thatched hut about 1/2 a mile out into the ocean.
Matthew Simoneau: They had beer and such for sale. They also would catch a fish off the dock, clean and fry it up, and serve it to you on the spot.
Matthew Simoneau: You can see people snorkeling in the background, which we also enjoyed.
Matthew Simoneau: Here you can see the whole structure. The boats shuttling people out would drop them off and park nearby.
Matthew Simoneau: Dolphins swam along side our boat on the ride home. The surly captain said that this rarely happens.