matthewsavoca: wintering Willet
matthewsavoca: Hotel Intercontinental
matthewsavoca: DSC_0215
matthewsavoca: DSC_0321-001
matthewsavoca: Leafcutter ants
matthewsavoca: White-faced Capuchin
matthewsavoca: White-faced Capuchin
matthewsavoca: female Slaty-tailed Trogon
matthewsavoca: Jaguar excrement
matthewsavoca: Golden Silk Orbweaver Spiders mating
matthewsavoca: Golden Silk Orbweaver Spiders mating
matthewsavoca: Malachite butterfly
matthewsavoca: DSC_0195
matthewsavoca: Leafcutter ant carrying a flower
matthewsavoca: Rufous-vented Ground Cuckoo
matthewsavoca: male Slaty-tailed Trogon
matthewsavoca: White-necked Jacobin and Violet-crowned Woodnymph
matthewsavoca: Rachel checking out the hummingbirds
matthewsavoca: Rufous-tailed Hummingbird
matthewsavoca: White-necked Jacobin
matthewsavoca: Violet-bellied Hummingbird and White-necked Jacobin
matthewsavoca: Violet-bellied Hummingbird and White-necked Jacobin
matthewsavoca: Violet-bellied Hummingbird
matthewsavoca: White-necked Jacobin
matthewsavoca: White-necked Jacobin
matthewsavoca: hummingbirds jockeying for position at the feeder
matthewsavoca: Black Vultures
matthewsavoca: DSC_0705
matthewsavoca: DSC_0816
matthewsavoca: DSC_0793