matthewsavoca: Long-billed Curlew with Willets, Sausalito, CA
matthewsavoca: Greater Roadrunner, Joshua Tree National Park, CA
matthewsavoca: male Tricolored Blackbird, Delevan National Wildlife Refuge, CA
matthewsavoca: Megan with a male Tricolored Blackbird, Delevan National Wildlife Refuge, CA
matthewsavoca: Me with a male Tricolored Blackbird, Delevan National Wildlife Refuge, CA
matthewsavoca: Hoffman's Checkerspot, Lassen Volcanic National Park
matthewsavoca: California Brown Tarantula, Pinnacles National Park, CA
matthewsavoca: juvenile California Condor, outside of Pinnacles National Park, CA
matthewsavoca: Golden Eagle, outside of Pinnacles National Park, CA
matthewsavoca: Sandhill Crane, Isenberg Crane Reserve, CA
matthewsavoca: Sandhill Cranes, Isenberg Crane Reserve, CA
matthewsavoca: American Kestrel, Isenberg Crane Reserve, CA
matthewsavoca: Pacific Tree Frog, Wilder Ranch State Park, Santa Cruz, CA
matthewsavoca: Me with an American Bullfrog, Garland Ranch Regional Park, CA
matthewsavoca: me with a large female Gopher Snake, Blue Oak Ranch Reserve, San Jose, CA
matthewsavoca: Rachel with a large female Gopher Snake, Blue Oak Ranch Reserve, San Jose, CA
matthewsavoca: Black-footed Albatross, off Bodega Bay, CA
matthewsavoca: seven Black-footed Albatross, off Bodega Bay, CA
matthewsavoca: Sooty Grouse, Yosemite National Park
matthewsavoca: Black Bear, Sequoia National Park
matthewsavoca: Black Bear mother and cub, Sequoia National Park
matthewsavoca: Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel, Kings Canyon National Park
matthewsavoca: Rufous Hummingbird, Kings Canyon National Park
matthewsavoca: Black-footed Albatross, off Half Moon Bay, 9.14.13
matthewsavoca: Sabine's Gull, off Half Moon Bay, 9.14.13
matthewsavoca: Black-footed Albatross, off Half Moon Bay, 9.14.13
matthewsavoca: Pink-footed Shearwater, off Half Moon Bay, 9.14.13
matthewsavoca: Albatross and gulls fighting for chum
matthewsavoca: Pomarine Jaeger, off Half Moon Bay, 9.14.13
matthewsavoca: Pomarine Jaeger, off Half Moon Bay, 9.14.13