matthewreid: River Liffey
matthewreid: St. Stephen's Green shopping center
matthewreid: Christine at St. Stephen's Green
matthewreid: Trinity College
matthewreid: Cemetery at Howth
matthewreid: Christine at the botanical gardens
matthewreid: Me at the botanical gardens
matthewreid: The grave of Charles Stewart Parnell
matthewreid: Me and Christine with the Molly Malone statue
matthewreid: Monument to Wolfe Tone
matthewreid: St. Patrick's Cathedral
matthewreid: Christchurch Cathedral
matthewreid: Howth
matthewreid: Me getting toward the top of the cliff
matthewreid: Me and Christine at the lighthouse at Howth
matthewreid: My first pint
matthewreid: The bar at the Jameson Distillery
matthewreid: Christine's first full Irish breakfast
matthewreid: Trinity College
matthewreid: Irish lamb stew
matthewreid: Dublin City Hall
matthewreid: Glasnevin Cemetery
matthewreid: James Joyce statue in front of the GPO
matthewreid: Cells at Kilmainham
matthewreid: An original Proclamation at Kilmainham
matthewreid: Christine at St. James' Gate, at the Guinness Brewery
matthewreid: The house where Patrick and Willie Pearse were born
matthewreid: Top of the cliff at Howth
matthewreid: Inside of Kilmainham Gaol (Jail)
matthewreid: Hair taken from Michael Collins after his death, at Kilmainham