Matthew Felix Sun:
DSCN1080 _ The Moon, Mars and Venus
Matthew Felix Sun:
DSCN1081 _ The Moon, Mars and Venus
Matthew Felix Sun:
DSCN1086 _ The Moon, Mars and Venus
Matthew Felix Sun:
DSCN1088 _ The Moon, Mars and Venus
Matthew Felix Sun:
DSCN1089 _ The Moon, Mars and Venus
Matthew Felix Sun:
DSCN1090 _ The Moon, Mars and Venus
Matthew Felix Sun:
DSCN1091 _ The Moon, Mars and Venus
Matthew Felix Sun:
DSCN1095 _ The Moon, Mars and Venus
Matthew Felix Sun:
DSCN1098 _ The Moon, Mars and Venus
Matthew Felix Sun:
DSCN1099 _ The Moon, Mars and Venus
Matthew Felix Sun:
DSCN1103 _ The Moon, Mars and Venus
Matthew Felix Sun:
DSCN1105 _ The Moon, Mars and Venus
Matthew Felix Sun:
DSCN2190 - Shark sighting at Seascape Beach in Aptos, 7:16am, 15 March 2015 - Close up
Matthew Felix Sun:
DSCN2190 - Shark sighting at Seascape Beach in Aptos, 7:16am, 15 March 2015
Matthew Felix Sun:
Lovely Roses
Matthew Felix Sun:
"In Distant Country" - ready for exhibition
Matthew Felix Sun:
"Mackerel" - ready for exhibition
Matthew Felix Sun:
"Progression" - ready for exhibition
Matthew Felix Sun:
"Siege" - ready for exhibition
Matthew Felix Sun:
"The Triumph of Saint George" - ready for exhibition
Matthew Felix Sun:
ASUC Cal Student Store, UC Berkeley
Matthew Felix Sun:
Campus Mascot
Matthew Felix Sun:
Almost Full Moon
Matthew Felix Sun:
My painting at Arts Passage - In Distant Country
Matthew Felix Sun:
My painting at Arts Passage - Siege
Matthew Felix Sun:
My painting at Arts Passage - The Triumph of Saint George
Matthew Felix Sun:
My painting at Arts Passage - The Triumph of St George
Matthew Felix Sun:
My paintings at Arts Passage - Progress & Mackerel
Matthew Felix Sun:
IMG_2074 - Beautiful Graffiti "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine."
Matthew Felix Sun:
Beautiful Pastel Graffiti in Stanford University