matthewdale: 365.1: irrigation
matthewdale: 365.2: old west
matthewdale: painted stones
matthewdale: 365.4: Joshua Tree National Park
matthewdale: 365.5: apartment blinds
matthewdale: 365.6: dusty
matthewdale: 365.7: mmm...bark.
matthewdale: 365.9: legs
matthewdale: 365.10: garage glow
matthewdale: 365.11: western shirt
matthewdale: 365.12: forgotten door
matthewdale: 365.13: My new friend.
matthewdale: 365.14: stairway to the sky
matthewdale: 365.16: STOP!
matthewdale: 365.17: dinner
matthewdale: 365.18: me
matthewdale: 365.19: Big Sigma, Little Sigma
matthewdale: 365.20: UPcoming albums
matthewdale: 365.21: pole shadow
matthewdale: 365.22: gnomonites