matthew.crompton: Boatman, Togean Islands
matthew.crompton: Togian Island Retreat, Togian Islands
matthew.crompton: Togian Islands Jetty
matthew.crompton: Kulingkinari Village, Togean Islands
matthew.crompton: Children in Churchyard, Hills of Toraja
matthew.crompton: Cliff Grave, Near Batutumonga
matthew.crompton: Rantepao Scene
matthew.crompton: Tongkonan Houses, Toraja
matthew.crompton: Funeral Aftermath - Toraja
matthew.crompton: On the KM Tilongkabila
matthew.crompton: Jetty with Palms, Togian Island Retreat
matthew.crompton: Torajan Woman
matthew.crompton: Tana Toraja near village of Sapan
matthew.crompton: Togean Sunset
matthew.crompton: Equatorial Sunset, Togian Islands
matthew.crompton: Togian Islands Jetty, Sepia
matthew.crompton: Sky Silhouettes, Kulingkinari village, Togian Islands
matthew.crompton: Tau Tau at Lemo, Toraja
matthew.crompton: Tongkonan House detail, Toraja
matthew.crompton: Togian Islands - Sunset? Moonrise?
matthew.crompton: Togean Jetty
matthew.crompton: Toraja Rice Fields, Near Batutumonga