matthewbutcher1988: What we're building..
matthewbutcher1988: Planning a dome
matthewbutcher1988: Measuring the height of the Dome
matthewbutcher1988: Different types of earth and sand
matthewbutcher1988: Testing the ground
matthewbutcher1988: Testing the earth
matthewbutcher1988: Marking lines with lime
matthewbutcher1988: The window structure (and a Superadobe in the background)
matthewbutcher1988: Marking out our floor plan
matthewbutcher1988: Windows (and La Casa de los Domos)
matthewbutcher1988: Planning a window template
matthewbutcher1988: Window template
matthewbutcher1988: Mixing Cement
matthewbutcher1988: Filtering the sand
matthewbutcher1988: Filling the bags
matthewbutcher1988: Flattening the bags
matthewbutcher1988: Burning the bags off the steps
matthewbutcher1988: The Completed Steps (after plaster)
matthewbutcher1988: Plastering (an earth bag wall)
matthewbutcher1988: Mescladora
matthewbutcher1988: Filling the bags on the dome
matthewbutcher1988: Sealing the bag
matthewbutcher1988: After a days work
matthewbutcher1988: Admiring our work
matthewbutcher1988: Another layer of the dome complete
matthewbutcher1988: Stunning views from the terrace after a hard days work