Super-Cam: Just a little off the fringe please...
Super-Cam: Sleepy Time
Super-Cam: Keeping watch
Super-Cam: Mummy Goose
Super-Cam: Yaaaawwwnnn!
Super-Cam: Snuggled Up
Super-Cam: Obscured by Reeds
Super-Cam: Best of the Bunch
Super-Cam: Great Tit
Super-Cam: Dunnock
Super-Cam: They get so close!!
Super-Cam: Preoccupied Bird
Super-Cam: The Boy Wonder
Super-Cam: Female Stonechat
Super-Cam: Male Stonechat
Super-Cam: Curious Squirrel
Super-Cam: Trying to blend in...
Super-Cam: Male Dunnock
Super-Cam: Female Blue Tit
Super-Cam: Male Robin
Super-Cam: Female House Sparrow
Super-Cam: Great Tit - Poor Light
Super-Cam: Iridescence
Super-Cam: Back to Back
Super-Cam: Yellow-bellied Slider Terrapins
Super-Cam: Brave Nuthatch
Super-Cam: Starlings Eating, Drinking and Bathing
Super-Cam: Duck balancing on a branch
Super-Cam: A (pretty poor) shot of a Yellow Wagtail
Super-Cam: Dragonfly - Four-spotted chaser (Libellula quadrimaculata) - 03 of 03