ILikeBirds: Cloudy Autumn Afternoon in Jackson Hole
ILikeBirds: Winter Lovers
ILikeBirds: Winter Lovers
ILikeBirds: Strong Winds after the Blizzard
ILikeBirds: Post-Blizzard
ILikeBirds: Boulder Bridge after Blizzard
ILikeBirds: Common Grackles in Flight
ILikeBirds: Swamp Sparrow Checking Himself Out
ILikeBirds: Song Sparrow Who Lost Its Tail
ILikeBirds: Red Fox kit wants some love
ILikeBirds: Female Hairy Woodpecker smacks her mate in the face as she exits their nest cavity
ILikeBirds: Black-throated Blue Warbler, male
ILikeBirds: Hairy Woodpecker, male
ILikeBirds: Hairy Woodpecker, female
ILikeBirds: Hairy Woodpecker, female
ILikeBirds: Hairy Woodpecker, male
ILikeBirds: Indigo Bunting
ILikeBirds: The female Hairy Woodpecker leaves the nest as the male shows up with a bill full of flies for the nestlings
ILikeBirds: Hairy Woodpecker leaves nesting cavity
ILikeBirds: Blue-gray Gnatcatcher & Tent Caterpillar Nest
ILikeBirds: Hairy Woodpecker brings a mealworm to his nestlings
ILikeBirds: Pileated Woodpecker (female)
ILikeBirds: Gray Catbird, portrait
ILikeBirds: Northern Cardinal (female), portrait
ILikeBirds: Pileated Woodpecker (female) blasts away material from rotting tree trunk
ILikeBirds: Rose-breasted Grosbeak (male), portrait
ILikeBirds: Blue Jay, portrait
ILikeBirds: Blue Jay, portrait
ILikeBirds: A male Tufted Titmouse sings on a low branch
ILikeBirds: A male American Robin collects nesting material