mperez171: Peru 2011
mperez171: Peru 2011: Geochelone denticulata
mperez171: Peru 2011: Hypsiboas geographicus
mperez171: Peru 2011: Ceratophrys cornuta
mperez171: Peru 2011: Bothrops atrox
mperez171: Peru 2011: Corallus hortulanus
mperez171: Peru 2011: Pseudoboa coronata
mperez171: Peru 2011: Atractus albuquerquei
mperez171: Peru 2011: Plica plica
mperez171: Peru 2011: Liophis reginae
mperez171: Peru 2011: Elachistocleis bicolor
mperez171: Peru 2011: Trachycephalus venulosus
mperez171: Peru 2011: Paul Rosolie and me holding a 9' Lachesis muta
mperez171: Peru 2011: Corallus hortulanus
mperez171: Peru 2011: Lachesis muta
mperez171: Peru 2011: Lachesis muta
mperez171: Peru 2011: Lachesis muta
mperez171: Peru 2011: Phyllomedusa tomopterna
mperez171: Peru 2011: What's for dinner? Clelia clelia!
mperez171: Peru 2011: Oxyrhopus melanogenys
mperez171: Peru 2011
mperez171: Peru 2011
mperez171: Peru 2011
mperez171: Peru 2011: Green and blue macaw
mperez171: Peru 2011
mperez171: Peru 2011: 11' male eunectes murinus
mperez171: Ecuador 2011
mperez171: Ecuador 2011
mperez171: Ecuador 2011: Dendropsophus sarayacuensis
mperez171: Ecuador 2011: Imantodes cenchoa