Matt Granz Photography: A Night in Nebraska
Matt Granz Photography: Southern Texas Skies
Matt Granz Photography: Multi Blend Exposures, Satanta KS Storm
Matt Granz Photography: Lighting it Up
Matt Granz Photography: Colors of the Night
Matt Granz Photography: Nebraska Strikes!
Matt Granz Photography: A Midwest Storm
Matt Granz Photography: Gaurdians of the Delta
Matt Granz Photography: Storm over the Wildcats
Matt Granz Photography: Blasting Away in Nebraska
Matt Granz Photography: Bart Simpson in the Clouds with Lightning
Matt Granz Photography: Colorado Lightning
Matt Granz Photography: A Sky-full of Lightning
Matt Granz Photography: Riders on the Storm
Matt Granz Photography: Nearly Struck
Matt Granz Photography: Arizona Highway
Matt Granz Photography: The Thing in the Night
Matt Granz Photography: Electric Avenue
Matt Granz Photography: Huge Bolt in Untamed Skies!!
Matt Granz Photography: Lots of Lightning
Matt Granz Photography: Dark Nights in the Panhandle
Matt Granz Photography: John Deere Weathering it Out
Matt Granz Photography: Hammer of the Gods
Matt Granz Photography: Four Strikes and You're Out
Matt Granz Photography: A Distant Strike
Matt Granz Photography: Arizona August
Matt Granz Photography: Arizona Strike