Matt Eagles: Dining at The Waterside in Bray
Matt Eagles: Michel Roux Patissier of the Year 1986
Matt Eagles: DSCF9056
Matt Eagles: Alan, Meg and Matt
Matt Eagles: Canapes
Matt Eagles: herb mayonnaise
Matt Eagles: DSCF9072
Matt Eagles: DSCF9074
Matt Eagles: Butternut squash veloute with duck confit and a herb creme
Matt Eagles: Ceviche de bar marine a l'huile d'olive vierge
Matt Eagles: DSCF9084
Matt Eagles: Sorbet champagne rose
Matt Eagles: Caneton Challeandais roti
Matt Eagles: Tete a tete de fromages
Matt Eagles: Peche gourmand selon " Alain " et "Michel "
Matt Eagles: Mignardises
Matt Eagles: The Waterside Inn - Restaurant with rooms
Matt Eagles: The River Thames at Bray
Matt Eagles: Porsche Cayenne - The Waterside Inn , Ferry Road , Bray
Matt Eagles: The Hinds Head, Bray
Matt Eagles: The Fat Duck in Bray