Celia H: Governor's Palace with Matt and Jennifer
Celia H: Governor's palace at night
Celia H: Wreath with pretzel bread and cards
Celia H: Big pile of wood
Celia H: House of Burgesses
Celia H: Inside Palace
Celia H: Jennifer and Celia
Celia H: Williamsburg Governor's palace
Celia H: Episcopal Church
Celia H: Picture of Williamsburg house
Celia H: PICT0169
Celia H: More Christmas decorations
Celia H: Dad and Colonial fellow
Celia H: More Christmas decorations
Celia H: The little drummer boys
Celia H: Matt and Dad
Celia H: Christmas decorations
Celia H: Wreath on side of small house
Celia H: Jennifer
Celia H: Jennifer with Pineapple
Celia H: Mom and Amanda
Celia H: Matt and TJ
Celia H: Train station in Williamsburg
Celia H: Mom and Molly
Celia H: Dad!
Celia H: Mom!
Celia H: Coffee shop in Williamsburg