Matt Burrows: A Boy & His Car (Part 1): A Car
Matt Burrows: A Boy & His Car (Part 2): A Drive
Matt Burrows: A Boy & His Car (Part 3): A Problem
Matt Burrows: A Boy & His Car (Part 4): A Solution
Matt Burrows: The Picture Says It All
Matt Burrows: Hypnotized By Pee-Wee's Big Adventure
Matt Burrows: I Guess Grandpa Tells Great Jokes
Matt Burrows: I Guess Firetrucks Are Better Appreciated From Afar
Matt Burrows: Battle of the Wills (i.e. Emerson being forcibly removed from the swing).
Matt Burrows: "Yes, I am looking at you like you're crazy."
Matt Burrows: Morgan Wrangles Up an Emerson
Matt Burrows: "Seriously, can you please just put down the iPhone and help me get across?"
Matt Burrows: Bad things always seem to happen after this look...
Matt Burrows: "You do know that you've asked me to hold a weed? Serioulsy, nobody has a flower?"
Matt Burrows: Future Underwear Model?
Matt Burrows: Em & His Chuck Taylors (Mono)
Matt Burrows: Em & His Chuck Taylors (Lolo)
Matt Burrows: "I swear that green stuff on my legs is a birthmark."
Matt Burrows: The Thinker & The Stinker
Matt Burrows: And thus was born the nickname..."The General"
Matt Burrows: (sighs) Seriously? You're considering voting republican?
Matt Burrows: Ssshhh. Don't tell anyone I found this easter egg. It's our little secret.
Matt Burrows: What face do we make at Sarah Palin?
Matt Burrows: What did you say? I'm not partriotic because I don't wear a flag pin? Okay, I'm unleasing the mean face!
Matt Burrows: Some will say it's the cold snow that triggered the tears. Me, I think it's the demon-like snowman peering over his shoulder.
Matt Burrows: Hello there. Pull up a chair. I'm glad you could join me for "Emerson's Christmas Hour"
Matt Burrows: Enjoying the many sights of Chicago
Matt Burrows: Giddy up!
Matt Burrows: Cutest lil' punkin in the patch
Matt Burrows: Someone is a bit more concerned with dirt than this picture