MattBritt00: Albert's Towhee
MattBritt00: Alder Flycatcher
MattBritt00: American Black Ducks (Far Left) and Mallards
MattBritt00: American Coot
MattBritt00: American Crow, Joshua Tree National Park
MattBritt00: American Goldfinch, Male and Female
MattBritt00: American Kestrel
MattBritt00: American Oystercatcher
MattBritt00: American Redstart, Female
MattBritt00: American Robin
MattBritt00: American Tree Sparrow
MattBritt00: American Wigeon, Blue-winged Teal, Cinnamon Teal, Eared Grebe, Gadwall, Greater Scaup, Lesser Yellowlegs, Redhead, Sora, Virginia Rail (and others)
MattBritt00: Anna's Hummingbird
MattBritt00: Bald Eagle and Eaglet
MattBritt00: Baltimore Oriole
MattBritt00: Bananaquit
MattBritt00: Barnacle Goose
MattBritt00: Barn Swallows
MattBritt00: Barred Owl
MattBritt00: Belted Kingfisher
MattBritt00: Bewick's Wren
MattBritt00: Black-and-White Warbler (kinda burry)
MattBritt00: Black-backed Woodpecker
MattBritt00: Black-billed Magpie
MattBritt00: Black-capped Chickadee
MattBritt00: Black-chinned Hummingbird (Kinda)
MattBritt00: Black-headed Gull, Immature
MattBritt00: Black-throated Green Warbler
MattBritt00: Blackburnian Warbler
MattBritt00: Black Phoebe