mattbot: Starting things off on the right foot? (Charlotte, NC airport)
mattbot: Three Raws and a Caray
mattbot: Tube steak!
mattbot: Yeah, this is pretty great
mattbot: What are you looking at? My Old Style?
mattbot: A coupla triplets, out on the town
mattbot: Best. Day. Ever.
mattbot: You like Old Style, too? We should get married.
mattbot: Cubs!
mattbot: The assembled crew
mattbot: Lovegroves!
mattbot: I love you so much, Tony. You don't even know.
mattbot: Bridal shower
mattbot: Bridal shower
mattbot: Bridal shower
mattbot: Bridal shower
mattbot: Bridal shower
mattbot: Bridal shower
mattbot: Bridal shower
mattbot: Bridal shower
mattbot: Bridal shower
mattbot: Robert, Buckingham Fountain
mattbot: Robert & Jill, Buckingham Fountain
mattbot: Robert & cute are they???
mattbot: Maggie, dateless, teams up with Robert (Buckingham Fountain)
mattbot: Look out, he's tossing her in!
mattbot: Tony & Sara at Buckingham Fountain. Way. Too. Cute.
mattbot: I'm not sure what's going on here, but they must be having fun!
mattbot: Jill, Millennium Park
mattbot: Robert, Millennium Park