mattbot: Metro-North
mattbot: The cottage
mattbot: Taking the bike out
mattbot: A skilled cyclist
mattbot: Next to the hay bale
mattbot: The taskmaster
mattbot: Raking to combat hunger
mattbot: View from outside
mattbot: A pile for jumping
mattbot: Keeping an eye on a spider
mattbot: Hike to the Hudson
mattbot: IMG_3674.JPG
mattbot: Senior photo: Mags
mattbot: Senior photo: Sheala
mattbot: Senior photo: Laurie
mattbot: Senior photo: Alison
mattbot: My jacket: left behind!
mattbot: IMG_3684.JPG
mattbot: IMG_3685.JPG
mattbot: IMG_3689.JPG
mattbot: IMG_3694.JPG
mattbot: IMG_3697.JPG
mattbot: IMG_3699.JPG
mattbot: IMG_3701.JPG
mattbot: Maggie discovers nature
mattbot: IMG_3703.JPG
mattbot: The view
mattbot: From above
mattbot: Turning Leaf (not the $5 wine)
mattbot: After I fell in the Hudson