Matt Apps: Sunspot sipping some champagne in a Limo... Mike's GLASGOW face
Matt Apps: Mike rocking out at Inferno, 2000
Matt Apps: Sunspot at "Harleyfest" 2000
Matt Apps: Sunspot KILLER CLOWNS Halloween, 2000
Matt Apps: Mike and Ben, 2001
Matt Apps: Sunspot at Rider's Inn, 2001
Matt Apps: 2000-04-02 Whoa!
Matt Apps: Wendy, Practice Space, 4-3-2001
Matt Apps: Mike, Practice Space, 4-3-2001
Matt Apps: Ben, Practice Space, 4-3-2001
Matt Apps: Sunspot Inferno, 2001
Matt Apps: Sunspot Kirspy Kreme! 2001
Matt Apps: Sunspot (nice outfit Mike) Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 2001
Matt Apps: Sunspot on Lake Wisconsin, 2001
Matt Apps: Ready for the 2001 Tour
Matt Apps: Sunspot Pre 2001 East-coast Summer Tour
Matt Apps: Sunspot at BoRD CD Release Party, 2001
Matt Apps: Nice ceiling... Sunspot at the Mutiny, 2001
Matt Apps: Sunspot Witch Project, Halloween, 2001
Matt Apps: Mike at Mutiny, Chicago, IL 2001
Matt Apps: Ho ho ho, Sunspot Christmas, 2001
Matt Apps: Sunspot New Year's Eve, 2001
Matt Apps: Wendy, New Year's Eve 2001
Matt Apps: Sunspot set list, 2001 New Years Eve
Matt Apps: Sunspot on Worth Watching, 2002
Matt Apps: Wendy, State St. 2002
Matt Apps: Sunspot at Peace Park on State Street, 2002
Matt Apps: Mike, passed out with his My Little Ponies, 2002
Matt Apps: This looks familiar, 2002
Matt Apps: Sunspot Club Tavern, 2002