petermello: Lunch and next leg home
petermello: First leg home
petermello: Luke and some awesome LEGO Towers
petermello: Today's papers
petermello: Agent Luke
petermello: Luke and the President's box
petermello: Luke and tool sculpture
petermello: Dinner with Uncle Jamie and Luke
petermello: Hope Diamond
petermello: Luke and an elephant
petermello: Luke and Roxy Payne sculpture
petermello: Luke
petermello: Luke and Enterprise (CVN-65) model
petermello: Gettysburg Address
petermello: Luke and Lincoln
petermello: Potential future occupant
petermello: Never too early to start thinking about a college education.
petermello: Only flag ever flown higher than US flag on American ship
petermello: Naval Academy Golden Football