MFranksPhoto: One of our dogs, Lexus
MFranksPhoto: Cute Old Man
MFranksPhoto: Basset Hound
MFranksPhoto: Dachshund
MFranksPhoto: Basset Hound
MFranksPhoto: Fletcher Wins Again!
MFranksPhoto: Afternoon Snooze
MFranksPhoto: Fletcher
MFranksPhoto: Woodland Photo Shoot
MFranksPhoto: Bruce the Springer Spaniel
MFranksPhoto: Friendship
MFranksPhoto: Man's Best Friend
MFranksPhoto: Making Waves
MFranksPhoto: Ninja Dog! [EXPLORED]
MFranksPhoto: Shake Triptych
MFranksPhoto: Friendship
MFranksPhoto: Double Trouble
MFranksPhoto: Labs at Ashdown
MFranksPhoto: Guiness Low Key 2
MFranksPhoto: Guiness Low Key
MFranksPhoto: Urban Dawg
MFranksPhoto: Flying Chihuahua
MFranksPhoto: Peek-a-boo!
MFranksPhoto: The Three Musketeers
MFranksPhoto: Look what I've got!
MFranksPhoto: Cute pup
MFranksPhoto: Family Portrait