Matthew Cicanese: Campyloneurum
Matthew Cicanese: Huperzia squarrosa
Matthew Cicanese: Dionaea muscipula
Matthew Cicanese: Drosera binata
Matthew Cicanese: Cone Flower Swirl - Inward Focus
Matthew Cicanese: orange bugs on daisy fleabane
Matthew Cicanese: The Eye of Anolis
Matthew Cicanese: Texture of a ladybug
Matthew Cicanese: Tendril Gripper
Matthew Cicanese: Delicate Fingers
Matthew Cicanese: Heart of a rose
Matthew Cicanese: Jadera haematoloma (Red-Shouldered Soapberry Bug)
Matthew Cicanese: Soapberry bug and berries
Matthew Cicanese: Hemidactylus Turcicus (Mediterranean Gecko)
Matthew Cicanese: Unidentified Beetle
Matthew Cicanese: Unidentified Beetle
Matthew Cicanese: Zinnia 7/11/11
Matthew Cicanese: candelaria concolor stacked