MattChinaski: Head in the clouds // Tassie Trip Day 1: Tullmarine Airport // iP5s
MattChinaski: Still flows // Dunalley fish market // iP5s
MattChinaski: Natural geometries // Tesselated Pavement // iP5s
MattChinaski: Looking for devils in Paradise // Wineglass Bay // iP5s
MattChinaski: Bat symphony // Sheffield // iP5s
MattChinaski: You're as great as your aspirations are // Cradle Mountain // iP5s
MattChinaski: Levitating Wharf // Lake Meadowbank // iP5s
MattChinaski: Imagination is more important than knowledge (A.E.) // Sheffield // iP5s
MattChinaski: Pacha's calling.. // Tessellated Pavement // iP5s
MattChinaski: Doesn't mean I'm lost // Strahan Henty Dunes // iP5s
MattChinaski: Don't look away // Damian Cazaly @ Sheffield Mural Fest (TAS) // EP3
MattChinaski: Nature's paintbrush strokes // Meadowbank Lake // EP3
MattChinaski: "There wasn’t much I used to need / a smile would blow a summer breeze through my heart" (Placebo) // Salamanca (Hobart, TAS) // EP3
MattChinaski: Souvenirs won't fade // Sheffield (TAS) // iP5s
MattChinaski: Red wine, I suppose.. // Wineglass Bay (TAS), nominated as one of the most beautiful beaches in the world.. No wonder. // EP3
MattChinaski: Vertigo test at Tessellated pavement (Tasman Peninsula) // EP3
MattChinaski: Natural frame at Tessellated Pavement (Tasman Peninsula) // EP3
MattChinaski: The last rays of the day on the Bay of Fires (TAS) // EP3
MattChinaski: Cradle Mountain // Tasmania (April 2014) // EP3