matt j fryer: DSC02163.jpg
matt j fryer: My boy
matt j fryer: Teddy getting throttled
matt j fryer: Pushed
matt j fryer: Lewis getting sleepy
matt j fryer: Lewis 13th Jan 2013
matt j fryer: Happy boy
matt j fryer: happiness
matt j fryer: Trying to stay cool!
matt j fryer: Lewis - Jan 2013
matt j fryer: Bubble Bath :)
matt j fryer: New camera!
matt j fryer: my wee man
matt j fryer: Taking it easy
matt j fryer: not swimming clothes..
matt j fryer: afternoon sun
matt j fryer: Smiler
matt j fryer: Lewis relaxing
matt j fryer: DSC00340.jpg
matt j fryer: So cute (I think)
matt j fryer: Loves his Nan
matt j fryer: I forgot to put my clothes on!
matt j fryer: hello!
matt j fryer: zooooom
matt j fryer: milkshake monster