MK|PHOTOGRAPHY (on/off for a long time): Hafencity - Unileverhaus II
MK|PHOTOGRAPHY (on/off for a long time): The new subway station II
MK|PHOTOGRAPHY (on/off for a long time): The new subway station III
MK|PHOTOGRAPHY (on/off for a long time): Landgericht Halle/Saale - Regional court Halle/Saale
MK|PHOTOGRAPHY (on/off for a long time): Landgericht Halle/Saale - Regional court Halle/Saale
MK|PHOTOGRAPHY (on/off for a long time): Stage Theater im Hafen - Stage Theater in the harbor
MK|PHOTOGRAPHY (on/off for a long time): Leuphana Universität Lüneburg - Leuphana University Lüneburg
MK|PHOTOGRAPHY (on/off for a long time): Landgericht Halle/Saale - Regional court Halle/Saale
MK|PHOTOGRAPHY (on/off for a long time): Dancing group at the royal theater
MK|PHOTOGRAPHY (on/off for a long time): Landgericht Halle/Saale - Regional court Halle/Saale
MK|PHOTOGRAPHY (on/off for a long time): The colorful houses of Reitdiep
MK|PHOTOGRAPHY (on/off for a long time): Reykjavik - Harpa in green
MK|PHOTOGRAPHY (on/off for a long time): Licht und Formen ... - Light and forms ...
MK|PHOTOGRAPHY (on/off for a long time): Schwebende Container / suspended container
MK|PHOTOGRAPHY (on/off for a long time): Parkhaus Spirale - Parking garage spiral