Street Biologist: One morsel at a time - Blue Jay
Street Biologist: A Black-capped Chickadee thinking about its survival for another winter
Street Biologist: Red-breasted Nuthatch
Street Biologist: For me, this winter should the "Winter of Downy!"
Street Biologist: A very fluffy Black-capped Chickadee on a minus 27 C morning
Street Biologist: Common Grackle
Street Biologist: Up close and personal with a Mallard drake
Street Biologist: Common Grackle
Street Biologist: Superb Starling, Amboseli National Park, Kenya
Street Biologist: Black-capped Chickadee
Street Biologist: Black-capped Chickadee
Street Biologist: A pair of mallards enjoying a late Fall morning
Street Biologist: Black-capped Chickadee.
Street Biologist: Yellow Warbler
Street Biologist: Lilac-breasted Roller - national bird of Kenya
Street Biologist: Yellow-headed Blackbird
Street Biologist: Female Downy Woodpecker
Street Biologist: African Spoonbill in flight
Street Biologist: Mountain Bluebird
Street Biologist: Common Goldeneye in flight
Street Biologist: Common Merganser females